Sunday, July 23, 2017

5 hotkeys that help me multitask effectively

When I am researching qualified prospects and taking notes on each individual company, it can lead to a huge cluster and leave me feeling disorganized.  My last job in sales required me to run about 3 programs at all times with several browser tabs open at the same time.   Staying productive and efficient can be a challenge when you have an overwhelming amount of information in front of you and it can take a lot of petty time to get the job done. 

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Hotkeys are keyboard shortcuts designed to save time by eliminating the need to ‘click around’ to get to where you need to be.  Here are some hotkeys for Windows (should be similar for Mac OS, switch CTRL with Command) that have saved me a lot of time and led me to be more productive when multitasking:
1)     CTRL+X/C/V
a.      You probably knew these ones already.  If you didn’t:
                                                        i.      CTRL+X will cut highlighted data
                                                       ii.      CTRL+C will copy highlighted data
                                                     iii.      CTRL+V will paste whatever is copied/cut on your clipboard
2)     ALT+Tab
a.      This one is probably my favorite.  This will switch you to your last program in use (provided it is still open).  This is very useful if you need to input individual data from one program to the next or referencing something quickly and switching back.  Keep ALT held and continue pushing tab until you get to the program you desire
3)     CTRL+Tab
a.      This will switch between tabs on your web browser      
4)     Tab/Shift+Tab
a.      When filling out a form, for example, hitting tab will take you to the next field.  Shift+Tab will take you back to previous field
5)     CTRL+Z/CTRL+Shift+Z
a.      Did you just accidentally delete a bunch of important data? No problem.  Hit CTRL+Z to undo changes quickly.  Adding shift to that formula will redo changes made

I am aware that I may be preaching to the choir on some of these hotkeys, but I wanted to share the ones that have helped me multitask most effectively.  Do you have a favorite that isn’t listed here?  Leave your favorite in the comments.  


  1. I'm not sure if it works on Windows because I use a Mac, but one of my favorites brings up the screen shot (snipping) tool Command + Shift + 4!

  2. I tried CTRL + Shift + 4 and did not have luck on Windows:( but I am content with the fact that Windows still includes this as a standard program. I used to PRT SCRN everything and crop in MSPaint. Snipping tool literally cuts that process in half. Almost could do a post entirely about that tool!
